
Friday, November 26, 2021

Maxwell's Story

The tiger who came to tea what happened, he was so hungry. First Sofie and mummy were having tea when there was a knock at the door, it was a tiger. Sofie let the tiger in next, when he came in he said "I'm hungry may I have tea with you?" Sofie said "Yes would you like a sandwich?" "Yes please" said the tiger. But instead of taking one of the sandwiches he ate all of them then he ate all of the buns and the cake finally he ate everything in the kitchen and fridge and all the water in the tap. i thought that...i like the story because it's funny! 

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

My Year Movie :)

 Hi everyone, so since I didn't go to camp, I had to make a movie about this year what happened this year, I made a movie with the app WeVideo its very useful when it comes to computers or chromebooks or laptops!

I hope you enjoy my movie!

I hoped you enjoyed my movie this took me more than a week to make!

I learnt how to like change backgrounds and move and type texts.

I think it was a good idea to present this way.

Finding photos and videos was the hardest.

To be honest I have no questions.

I would add more videos to improve.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Weekend Recount

 Hey bloggers, hope your doing good, so I didn't go to camp because I had my appointment and a lot of other stuff. Here it is!

                                The Adventure

BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, my alarm goes off very loud, I go to the bathroom and take a nice refreshing shower, after I get ready for the day my mum mentions that my appointment is at 9 am! So I quickly brush my teeth and brush my messy hair, “Get in the car right now, we need to drop off your sister!” Then I hopped inside the car and my shoes weren't even on properly! I put on my seat belt and put on my shoes the right way. As I enter the main hospital I start getting worried of what's going to happen, we ran into a worker and we also forgot the way to the children's hospital so we asked him, all he replied was follow me i'll lead you there, so me and my mum followed him all the way to the children's hospital, as I step in the nurse immediately starts calling me, so me and my mum followed her into the room, in the room I had to take off my warm jacket and my super cool sneakers, but I had to because I was about to find how much I weighed and to check my height. Then the nurse told us to continue waiting in the waiting room. A doctor named Matthew did my echo.

We finally arrived home. But uh oh I have to do a blood test! It hurted so bad I nearly cried, after the blood test me and my mum went to go get sushi num num num.

Ring ring, goes the cellphone, as I pick up the phone to answer the call I notice it was my younger cousins, they were calling me to see if I was going to do Trick or Treating, I hung up the phone and decided to text them to say “no I am not going Trick or Treating” then they replied “oh okay”

After Mya arrived from camp we started texting each other then we decided to call each other, and I agreed, while we were calling she insisted that I download a game called Cookie Run Kingdom, she also mentioned that I had to go through a long tutorial, the tutorial really did take forever! Then she showed me a video of her kingdom and I was so impressed and amazed by her kingdom! She must have been playing it for a very long time. 

                                     THE END 

Hope you enjoyed! Have an amazing day! 

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

The Great Fall!

 Hey Bloggers, this time, this blog is going to be about a young childish girl that falls down a rabbit hole. to see the story take a look!


I hope you enjoyed reading that.

Monday, November 1, 2021

Week 1 - Camp

Hey bloggers, I hope you have had a great holiday and spent time with friends and family.

Lets move on to this weeks reading! 

For the 1st create task we had a map and on that map we had to add our own turtle and we had to draw the key in certain place

For the 2nd create task we had to make our bunk labels for camp, we had to write our names however we wanted to and then we design the label! This create task was extra fun!

And last but not least the 3rd create task, for the 3rd create task we had to pick something to study or find out more about, for me I picked Albatrosses, before I say anything else her it is!

I hope you have an amazing week!

Monday, September 20, 2021

Poetry Anthology

 Hi bloggers, through out a lot of time my class and I have been working on poetry, we did a lot of different poems.

I'm gonna show you my slide show about Poetry Anthology. Here it is!


I hoped you enjoyed it! Have a great rest of your day!

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Rata and the Totara Tree

WALT: Analyse and evaluate the actions and story lines of Maori myths and legends. 

Hello bloggers, I hope you have a great day, this week is Maori language week this week so we had to do Maori books, the one i chose was Rata and the Totara Tree, this journal is about Rata who cut down trees without saying a prayer.

The first create task i about analysing your story into different parts like characters, problems, actions, settings, feeling and conclusion 

The second create task is about a statement my one was "Rata should have been punished for his mistake" and I have to give reasons why I agreed and disagreed, here it is!